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Saturday, February 2, 2019

Spoken words do not return...

Spoken words do not return...

Once a farmer said bad to his neighbors, but when he realized his mistake then he went to a saint. He asked the sage to withdraw his words.

The saint said to the farmer, "Gather lots of wings, and keep them in the middle of the city." The farmer did the same thing and then reached the saint.

Then the saint said, "Go now and bring those wings back together and bring it back"

The farmer went back, but till then all wings had flown around the air. And the farmers came empty handed to the saint. Then the saint told him that the same thing happens with the words you said, you can easily remove them from your mouth, but you can not even take it back if you want it.

What is learned from this story:
  • Before speaking some bitter, remember that after saying good and bad your words can not be returned after doing anything. Yes, you can ask for forgiveness from those person and ask for it, but human nature is something that happens, anything can happen to the person.
  • When you say something bad to someone, it hurts to hurt him What is the benefit from giving pain to yourself.

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