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Sunday, January 27, 2019

Best Motivational thought

Best Motivational thought

  • First,think second, believe third,dream and finally, dare.
  • It is always seems impossible until done.
  • The past can be changed.The future is yet in your power.
  • With the new day comes new strength and new thought.
  • Don’t downgrade your dream just to fit your reality, upgrade your conviction to match your destiny.
  • You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.
  • You are confined only by the walls you build yourself.
  • The man who has confidence in himself gains the confidence of others.
  • You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, then be great.
  •  It’s not who you are that holds you behind, it’s who you think your are not.
  • Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right.
  • Falling down is an accident, staying down is a choice.
  • If you have the power to make someone happy, do it. The world needs more of that.
  • Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.
  • Only work hard , dream big.
  • Always think positive.
  • Always believe your self.
  • Why be nagative when you can be positive.
  • Everyday is a second chance.
  • Arise,awake and don't stop until the goal is reached.
“Take risks in your life. If you win, you can lead, if you lose, you can guide.”

Thank you

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